Shoppers are returning to stores en masse. Online shopping may have gotten us through the pandemic, but now, consumers are back in store for a hands-on shopping experience. Cannabis is no exception. With sales up year-over-year and more products available than ever before, consumers and retailers alike are craving an offline shopping experience. Are your retail services up to the challenge?

In a maturing marketplace with steep competition, what retail services and features should you invest in to capture your fair share of this renewed consumer attention? How can you encourage new customers to visit your store, earn their loyalty, and keep them satisfied?

3 Retail Services & Features You Need in Store

  1. Click & Collect

First and foremost, make it easy for your shoppers. Click and Collect, the darling of the pandemic, is still a valuable service option for many busy customers. Customers are happy to order online in advance, then collect in store. It’s fast, it’s easy, and they don’t have to wait for a budtender’s undivided attention. 

TechPOS makes setting up Click and Collect easy with system integrations from WooCommerce, Leafly, Dutchi, and Buddi. These integrations ensure your inventories are in sync and customers save time at the dispensary counter.

Although many shoppers will prefer to shop for cannabis products under the guidance of your helpful staff, Click and Collect serves a segment of your customer base that wants to swing by after work, not spend an afternoon browsing. It’s one way to increase sales with minimal additional investment.

2. Upgrade Your Store with Digital Signage

Did you know that digital in-store signage improves customer satisfaction by 46 percent? Perhaps because the human eye can process images and visuals 60,000 times faster than text, digital signs reduce perceived wait times in line by over 30 percent. 

Use digital menus in your store to display the hottest products, new exotic strains, or your latest promotions. Taking your retail services digital builds strong in-store visuals that are far from stagnant. In addition, you can update menus based on holidays, moods, and more for timely and exciting customer engagement.

But transitioning from a handwritten menu to a digital one doesn’t need to mean a ton of backend updating, reconciling, and designing. Instead, TechPOS’ omnichannel retail solution integrates with proven digital systems like UBI Communications or BudVue to ensure smooth, hassle-free displays.

3. Reduce Wait Times With Express Checkout

Customers hate waiting. Consumer surveys routinely find most customers leave frustrated, dissatisfied, and angry when they have to wait longer than expected. There is no better way to lose customers than to have consistently long lines and slow customer service. 

A retail service within the TechPOS family is the Express Checkout add-on. It helps reduce wait times and improve the consumer experience during your busiest moments. 

Plus, it doesn’t have the added labour costs associated with adding more front-of-line staff. An Express Checkout kiosk lets you manage peak congestion and streamline customers through the buying process without missing out on order add-ons or product education.

Key Takeaway: Retail Feature Add-Ons Must Integrate

Investing in additional in-store retail features to better serve your customers has to be easy. Otherwise, these systems will fail, translating into a customer disservice. 

If a digital sign, Click & Collect program, or Express Checkout requires constant handholding and manual updates, it’s simply pulling your budtenders and management away from their primary duty: serving customers.

The key takeaway from whatever retail service integration you adopt is that it has to be easy and seamless. If it doesn’t communicate with the rest of your systems, including your Enterprise Resource Planning, POS, and inventory management systems, it will not serve you or your customers. 

Seamless Retail Services, Without the Headache

TechPOS is constantly evolving our omnichannel cannabis retail suite of services to serve your customers better and make running a business effortless. 

With add-on retail services and features like Express Checkout, Digital Signage, and more, we help you sell more products and engage more customers than you could with manual systems.  

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